
Database의 Column명과 구조체의 변수명이 다른경우 Column Attribute 값을 지정후 읽어서 사용하는 방법

// Define your structure with properties and apply the Column attribute
struct MyStruct
    public int MyProperty { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Create an instance of your structure
        MyStruct myInstance = new MyStruct();

        // Get the type of your structure
        Type structType = myInstance.GetType();

        // Get the property information using reflection
        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = structType.GetProperty("MyProperty");

        // Get the Column attribute applied to the property
        ColumnAttribute columnAttribute = (ColumnAttribute)propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ColumnAttribute));

        // Check if the attribute is present
        if (columnAttribute != null)
            // Access the attribute value
            string columnName = columnAttribute.Name;

            // Print the attribute value
            Console.WriteLine($"Column name: {columnName}");
            Console.WriteLine("Column attribute not found");

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